I Was Counting On Me

I was counting on me

I was counting on me. Sigh… I was a single mother with one child and determined to figure out this thing called life. I was determined to figure out how a home could be whole, even if today’s society called it broken. Yes, I was counting on me to pay the private school tuition, save for the house down payment, work two jobs when necessary, prepare for the college tuition, and do the work to teach my seed how to navigate this unpredictable world.

I can clearly remember all those nights I had worrying and asking God if I was enough and have what it takes. Little did I know that my Heavenly Father was orchestrating the next chapter of our lives. This journey certainly had bumps in the road, detours and some road blocks to date.

I don’t know what the next chapter of our lives hold, but I know that I serve a God that is a way maker and He has never turned his back on us. I no longer walk and see things in the natural, but in the spiritual realm. I call those things which be not, as though they were. I will continue fighting the good fight fight of faith. I will finish and complete my course and divine assignments.

I look forward to one day hearing my savior say to me, “well done, thy good and faithful servant.”


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