Disclaimer.. This blog isn’t aimed at anyone but myself. I woke up this morning and the Lord laid it on my heart to discuss this issue that is so seldom talked about, but incredibly important.

How many times have you done something you know was wrong, and even before you did it you knew it was wrong, but still went through with it?  If you’re like me, you probably struggle with a particular sin over and over again and it has become repetitive.  I’m not asking for you to admit publicly, but even without asking I’m sure you can easily identify that one (or more) thing that you struggle with.  I believe that we can sear our conscience and stiffens our necks against God.

The problem I’ve discovered with sin is that the more you do it, the easier it becomes. You may have struggled mentally initially the first time you carried out a particular sin, but the more you do it the more you stifle your conscience.

We need to ask the Holy Spirit to come into that black part of our heart that still craves the sinful nature, and to replace it with the healing and love of the Lord. When that part of our heart is replaced, it becomes easier to resist the sins that the flesh finds so enjoyable.  None of us is conformed to the image of Christ overnight. Sanctification is a moment-by-moment challenge. It’s a process that will not be complete until we leave this world and see the Lord face to face.

Overwhelming feelings of God’s anger and disappointment with our repeated rebellious behavior can crush us so completely we eventually do not want to come to him at all.  Romans 3:23 says that we have ALL sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, so we need to examine our own lives, because I can almost guarantee that all of us commit some sort of repetitive sin.That doesn’t make us beyond the point of no return, it means that we are all sinners, yet eligible for forgiveness because Jesus gave His life so that we could have a second chance.

“For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do–this I keep on doing.” (Romans 7:19, NIV)


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