False Perceptions of Being Profoundly Alone

When you are single it is easy to define yourself as profoundly alone. I mean thing about it you:

  • Woke up alone
  • Went to bed alone
  • Cared for Children (or loved one’s) alone
  • Dealt with all of life issues alone
  • Cried alone

However, loneliness can skew your perception of God’s presence and you may end up blaming Him for your feelings of isolation and abandonment.  It’s easy to feel forsaken by God, man and even society.  Especially for women because we tend to put everyone first. Sometimes when you feel like this you don’t even have the words to pray and end up with one line prayers like, “God, where are you in my life?”  “God, why won’t you take away this loneliness?” or “God have you forgotten about me?”

Here is what I’ve learned throughout my years on this Earth.  You can’t align your perception of your Heavenly Father’s presence with your current situation because it doesn’t align with the fullness of His truth.  God is always eternally present. You are never alone and he hasn’t forgotten about you!

If you are having feelings of loneliness here is a powerful scripture that you can meditate on:

Joshua 1:9 (NIV) 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.




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