“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a soul that didn’t die on empty.”
– Late, Dr. Myles Monroe
We all go through trials and tribulations in our lives. There are some days it seems like the dark clouds just won’t go away. So my questions to you…
- What do you do when you are living in turmoil and despair day in and day out?
- What do you do when the same problem you keep running from, keeps running back into you?
- What do you do when you’ve helped so many people dreams come through, that you’ve perfected placing your’s on hold?
- What do you do when you when you have identity issues and are a Moses of today, raised as an Egyptian Prince but born a Black Hebrew slave?
- What do you do when the mistakes of your past, are your biggest regrets today?
- What do you do when you’ve aborted what you’re praying for now?
- What do you do when you’ve had tragedies at childhood that still haunt you today?
- What do you do when, where you are, isn’t where you want to be?
- What do you do when there is never enough time to complete your “to-do list”?
- What do you do when it seems like the enemy has his shoe wrapped around your neck?
- What do you do when you’ve longed for something or someone you’ve never had?
- What do you do when you realize that the person that you love is NOT perfect and has issues they are working on, just like you?
- What do you do when you want to advance your career but there is always a “but” in the way?
- What do you do when your kids are determined to make your life a living hell from the moment they wake up to the time they go to bed?
- What do you do when church becomes a man talking behind the pulpit and no longer a relationship with God?
- What do you do when you lost your faith in God, because he was never really YOUR God, but the God of your ancestors.
- What do you do when today becomes a repeat of yesterday and everyday before that?
- What do you do when you’ve been abandoned as a child and no one taught you how to be a good friend, an awesome mother or a great man.
- What do you do when night after night you are lonely and your bed is empty?
- What do you do when your body betrays you and is riddled with pain and disease?
- What do you do when your bank accounts don’t line up with God’s promises of generational wealth and your barns being filled with plenty?
- What do you do when the relationship has failed even after you poured out all you had to make it work and she/he walks away like you never even existed?
- What do you do when you are so scared to love another person again and you keep pushing away someone who wants to genuinely love you?
- What do you do when the person you love, suddenly dies and you don’t get to make thinks right or say goodbye?
- What do you do when you spent so much money and energy building your dream life and you end up with just a house and not a home?
- What do you do when you have never really forgiven yourself and it makes it hard for you to forgive others?
- What do you do when people only call you when they need you and see you as their personal super hero?
- What do you do when someone finally comes around and loves you just for being you?
- What do you do when your great “idea”, remains only an “idea”?
- What do you do when you sleep so much because your dreams looks better than your reality?
- What do you do when you cannot sleep?
- What do you do when you don’t feel like you really fit in anywhere and stand out like the black sheep?
- What do you do when your scars are exposed and you think that the entire world can see that you are broken?
- What do you do when you keep pushing people away from you only because you don’t want them to be able to push you away first?
- What do you do when all you do is work, but yet, you don’t feel like you have anything to show for it?
- What do you do when life doesn’t look like the picture perfect one you had planned and the grass looks greener on the other side?
- What do you do when you struggle to get out of bed to go to your 9 to 5?
- What do you do when all you have the strength to do is run, run far away from all your problems?
- What do you do when you stop dreaming and stop believing in people?
- What do you do when things get so bad that even your own dog bites you and the fish keeps dying, and you are all alone?
As real as our problem may be they shouldn’t consume and take over our thoughts. Everyone faces challenges in life. It’s a matter of how you learn to overcome them. Not how you escape the reality of them!!! Whenever you go through a dark place it doesn’t mean that God has left you. Many times the dark places in our lives are prerequisite of greatness. Our dark places can be filled with guilt, shame, unforgiveness, regret, affliction, illness, loneliness, despair, no joy, no pleasure, and no victory. I am reminded that some of the greatest men in the Bible endured dark places too. Moses spent 40 years of his life hiding in the mountains of his dark place. David spent years in a cave running from his dark place. Jesus sweat drops of blood in the garden of his dark place.
There is beauty in everyone, everyone has a voice, everyone is a writer and your story can literally change lives and speak to someone’s present situation. Let your trials become your testimony! According to the late Dr. Myles Monroe, “The greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life that never realized it’s full potential”. Everything in life will eventually change, even your problems.
You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you. We all have what it takes to live life on the inside. When you think about where the wealthiest place on Earth is, places like Dubai, China, or even some places in America may come to mind. However, the wealthiest place on Earth is our cemeteries. Buried in cemeteries are so much talent and potential that was never actualized. When you die on full, the cemetery has robbed you! We should all die empty, with nothing else left to do. That means that all of your ideas, dreams, talents and decisions have come to past. The goal should not be to just die old, but to die empty.
Look at the greatest example we have in Jesus. When it was time for Him to give up His life at only 33 years old, he declared, “IT IS FINISHED!”. This meant that he poured out all that He came on Earth to give. I think it’s important to note that Jesus didn’t say, “I am Finished”, because as spirit beings we never die.
I believe that God hid your future where he knew you could not miss it! Your Future is not ahead of you, its trapped within you. Feed yourself whatever it requires to germinate your dreams. For example, if it’s financial freedom, find scriptures to meditate on about finances. Read books about finances written by wealthy believers and study wealthy believer’s such as Pastor Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Bishop T.D. Jakes, late Dr. Myles Monroe, or Bishop Keith A Butler, etc. So as I challenge myself, I CHALLENGE YOU to get up and find the courage to actualize your goals, visions, and dreams do what you were born to do, so you too can say, “It is Finished”! “Failure is not the absence of success, it is the neglect of trying.”
I am determined to die on empty! i am determined to keep trying. I am determined to see my dreams, VISIONS and goalS come to past. i am determined to love and to receive love. i am determined to forgive and to receive FORGIVENESS. i am determined to die empty!
– Rhonda