I’ve Never Desired to be Head of My Household….
I am looking forward to the day that I yield myself voluntarily to the authority or will of my husband and he submits to the authority of the Lord.
Women have played very prominent roles throughout history. I know women have come a long way from the Women’s Liberation Movement. However, the significant social changes brought about by the women’s liberation movement have led to such confusion that the very idea of “roles” is repulsive to some. For example, women have a very unique and vital role in childbearing and the nurture of children. Women themselves also have a need for support and protection.
Women are by no means marginalized or lowered to any second-class status. The woman’s role is not lesser or inferior, but it is different from the man’s. From the very first chapter of the Bible, we are taught that women, like men, bear the stamp of God’s own image, men and women were created equal.
I believe that there are divinely ordained role distinctions between men and women. The man was created first and given the responsibility to lead. God’s design of humanity as male and female cannot be improved upon! God’s ways are far superior to our own and his design for man and woman has been expressed in male leadership with male-female partnership. God clearly gave the man the role of leader in the family.