Expressing Your Feelings Verbally To Someone You Love


Many relationships either don’t start or break up because of not expressing your feelings. For some expressing their feelings verbally to the one they love is not as easy as it sounds.  Love requires you to be vulnerable. Part of being vulnerable means expressing your thoughts and feelings wholeheartedly, without reserve. That becomes difficult because it means that you are now open to the possibility of being criticized, hurt, or rejected, by the one you love. Vulnerability shows that you care and are committed.  It’s not enough to express your love once or only when things are going perfect in the relationship.  It is important to keep expressing your feelings to make the relationship fresh forever.

Many people don’t express love because they are afraid that the other person might reject them. For me, sometimes I wish my mind could be read. It would just be easier than me trying to express my feelings. This is because I listen more than I talk and enjoy writing more than I do expressing myself verbally.

However, I’ve come to understand that an important aspect of relationships is sharing genuine feelings you have for one another. Sometimes the hardest part about expressing your feelings comes down to timing. Life can get so busy that you will have to make the time. Love is the sweetest gift of God, express your feelings to the one you love.


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