“But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.”

-Revelation 2:4

Returning to my first love “God”. It’s easy to allow your love for God to grow cold. I could remember when I first got saved… like many I was so excited, I would burn the midnight oil to learn more about God.

It is possible to recapture the first love. With prayer and study, the former love for God and His truths can be rekindled. David found he had drifted away from God. He no longer felt that former joy he’d had. He repented and fervently prayed, “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit” (Psalms 51:12). David was reconciled with God, stirred up God’s Spirit and went on to serve Him faithfully and zealously for the rest of his life.

I believe when we turn away from our first love, we don’t loose our relationship with God, but our fellowship with Him is broken. I am reminded of Matthew 7:7-8, if I ask God to restore a spiritual hunger for His wonderful truths, He will hear and answer me.

For the record… I do not consider myself to be a role model Christian. I have my shortcomings just like everyone else. But the one thing that no one can do is keep me in condemnation. I know that through the shed blood of Jesus, all my sins are forgiven and I am a new creature in God’s eyes. There is nothing that can or will ever separate me from the love of God. If only perfect people can go to God that would be an oxymoron in itself!


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