Why I Believe in Love

Love built on Friendship


Love… it’s a lot like the air. It may be hard to see – but it’s in you and all around you. Don’t believe me? Well go ahead and take a deep breath and notice how abundant the air is, full of life-giving oxygen offered freely by trees. You can’t see air, but it’s always available for you. Below I list some reasons Why I BELIEVE IN LOVE.

LOVE is woven into my DNA 

I believe the resting state of our brain – its “home base” when we are not stressed, in pain, or feeling threatened – is grounded in love. God is love and we are made in His image, thus… “We Were Created By Love, From Love, For Love”.

LOVE is worth working for

True love is worth working for because it is being with a person that makes you smile, someone that makes you want to live to see tomorrow. It’s being with someone that makes you want to fix the problems within yourself, because let’s face it: by yourself, it is hard to see the things we need to work on and the problems we have. We need each other for that.

LOVE is unconditional

Real love is truly unconditional.  This type of love is incredible. It is a love that is not at all based on what we do or say or feel. It is completely unconditional. Once we receive God’s love, we are able to give it to others without their needing to do or be anything special. 

LOVE is not lust

Lust is wanting the person’s body but not who they are in whole. Yes, if you are in love you do have a strong sexual desire, but you also want every part of that person. You want to know even the deepest thought in their mind. You want to know anything and everything about them, their fears, joys, goals, dreams. Lust may feel like passionate love, but it lacks the desire to talk multiple times through out the day to get to know someone beyond sex and attraction.

LOVE is “we” not “me”

The language of love includes we and not me. When our desires in our relationship only go as far as ourselves, we will always be discontent and disappointed. “We” means that we are a team. You see it in body language and especially speech. And when there are successes or problems it should be viewed as something happening to each other.

LOVE casts out all fear

When I’m in love with someone I feel even more empowered to try harder and to conquer my fears. This is because I know that I have someone by my side who is there for me no matter what may happen.

LOVE heals all wounds

I believe that when love is applied to hurt, healing takings place over time. I’m a witness to this. I’ve been broken hearten and swore off even the thought of love. But over time through friendship, love has been applied to my wounds and I can say that I_______ (wait for it, lol…)

 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)


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